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Business in conflict zones

Global Alumina’s proactive efforts to mitigate conflict-related risks in the Republic of Guinea

For the United Nations Global Compact, Global21 carries out a business case study in the Republic of Guinea on the largest industrial project in sub-Saharan Africa.

An investment of more than 3 billion dollars in one of the poorest countries in the world and a region with tremendous conflict potential presents important socio-political risks. How does the company anticipate possible conflicts? By what means was the project’s impact on population and environment mitigated? How were essential issues such as the propagation of AIDS or the country’s political uncertainty taken into account?

A proactive company policy based on Corporate Social Responsibility and stakeholder participation builds the foundation for an industrial development which aims at the economic development of the region by respecting the socio-economic conditions of the country and considering environmental aspects.

fiche synthèse du projet

Etude de cas par Global21 (anglais - 329 Ko)


Client : UN Global Compact (financed by German Technical Cooperation - GTZ)
Location: Republic of Guinea
Period: September - October 2006


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